zaterdag 7 april 2012

1 – 2 – 3 – 4

Hi everybody!    

I told you this day was coming. Today I'm going to try and write this whole blog in English. Please don't kill me if I make any mistakes. Yes, even after living in the UK for over two months now, I'm still making loads.. [Crap]

I ended last time on a Tuesday. After finishing my blog I went downstairs to get my washing. To my surprise the machine broke down, leaving my washing soaking wet. I wringed them out above the sink, and hanged them to dry. It took about two days for all my clothes to dry! Nice one…

That night it snowed. It didn't last very long, because the snow was followed by some ghastly rain. The Venture had organized an Easter celebration day on Wednesday. Due to the lousy whether it got purposed, but The Venture was still open. It was so cold! There were hardly any kids, so I ended up standing by the fire all day. We had some hot chocolate, which basically was water and some powder. [JAK]

I really wanted to go home, my body felt numb and I got frustrated. I presume his feeling applied to the few children as well. They started to get really "challenging". Calling everybody names of East Enders. I think I talked about this before. Apparently I am Heather of East Enders. A really big, ginger headed and dead woman. I did think It was funny until they started comparing me to her. How I was fat and ugly. Not really the best self-esteem treatment. I got sick of it, and tried to talk to them about this. It didn't seem to work. So I told them the next person who said anything got banned.

They started screaming and shouting about how unfair it was. That they called everybody names, and that it was just a joke. I told them I did not find it funny, and that I'm not like everybody else. Still it didn't seem to sink in. One of the girls came to me, stopped right in front of my face and called me all sorts of things. So I banned her. She did not want to off at first, but fortunately one of the other staff members helped me. She wasn't allowed back on for half an hour.

After about ten minutes they started screaming, asking if she could come back on. She hid in the toilet and the other children thought I was that thick not noticing it. Because we all know that we can't tell when children lie. [Sarcasm]
She told me that she was cold, and wanted to come back on the playground. I told her that she should have talked to me, instead of hiding. I made a deal, if she apologized she could come back on. The other youngsters started screaming again, all sorts of apologies. I told them to be quit, and just let her talk. After some pushing she looked me in the eyes and apologized, so I let her back on.

I didn't get any better from there on. The kids just got nastier and nastier. I got so angry and just wanted to go home. At half past seven it was time to go home. The girls were still standing at the gate, as they saw me walking past them they followed me. They started shouting at me again. I was so angry at that point I just wanted to flip them off and scream at them. I did assume that would not be the best idea, so I told them to get on with it. Just get it all out, but that they should be aware that there would be consequences. That seemed to be the magic word, and they stopped.

I didn't respond anymore and just walked home. I was so glad that the day was over. I treaded myself and my roommate to some decent cup of hot chocolate. Nomomom!

On Thursday I had the day off. I used it to get some work done for school. I made this list off all the things that still need to be taking care off. I did managed to squeeze in some quality time for myself. When Jens and Annelies where here I saw these cute shorts. So I decided to go and try them on they fitted me like a glove! Before I came here I decided to watch all the seasons of Friends. In one of the episodes Phoebe wore this green dress. Ever since then I wanted a green dress! I don't know what it is about me, but when I have this image in my head, I can't get it out. It has happened to me before, like the time I wanted yellow all stars. Guilty pleasure I presume.. Oh well!

Yesterday I spent the entire day working for school. Fortunately I got a lot of things done. I was proud of myself! In the evening I got treated by my housemate to a lovely dinner. I was just heading down to cook, when she asked me if I wanted to join her. Afterwards we watched Once upon a time. A new program about fairytale creatures who are stuck in our world, but have forgotten who they are. It has something to do with a curse… It was actually really good, and I can't wait for the next episode.

Right now I'm watching Pushing Daisies. So I'm a little distracted at this point. We'll see what happens!

I'm on placement tomorrow, I do hope the youngsters will be in a better mood. I'll be sure to let you know!

See ya later elevator!

Song of the Day:



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